College of Education and Human Ecology
Keep Books

Spanish Nursery Rhymes

Poetry — Not Leveled

Product sNR

Based on Spanish culture, these 8 books offer Spanish language rhymes, songs, and games for young children to read and enjoy. These books are formatted with clear print text and are engagingly illustrated to hold the attention of young readers.

Teachers can introduce the rhymes through charts, songs, or with BIG size sNR. Children can then read and enjoy their own versions at home as they sing, count, read, and recite these Spanish favorites.

Set options

  • Super-Saver 50 copies of 8 titles / 400 books
  • Full 25 copies of 8 titles / 200 books
  • Mini 5 copies of 8 titles / 40 books


Set details

Set information
Order Code Grades Levels
SNR PreK, K, 1st Grade Not Leveled / Poetry

Al Juego Chirimbolo
Cinco Pollitos
Los Animalitos
Los Maderos de San Juan
Los Pollitos
Naranja Dulce
Tengo, Tengo, Tengo
Un Elefante Se Balanceaba