College of Education and Human Ecology
Keep Books

Spanish Emergent Reader 1

Levels A-B / 1-2

Product sER1

This set is a translation of the English Emergent Reader 1 Set with 8 engaging stories that encourage beginning readers to interact with the print. The books are organized in a sequence of difficulty with book 1, the easiest, and book 8, the most difficult.

The stories focus on experiences familiar to young children to support their learning and encourage oral language development.

Set options

  • Super-Saver 50 copies of 8 titles / 400 books
  • Full 25 copies of 8 titles / 200 books
  • Mini 5 copies of 8 titles / 40 books


Set details

Set information
Order Code Grades Levels
SER1 PreK, K, Beginning 1st A‑B / 1‑2

Titles and Levels
Title GR Level RR Level
Mira como Juego A 1
¡Curitas! A 1
Los Animales del Zoológico A 1
Construyendo una Casa A 2
La Alberca A 2
¡Agua y Jabón! B 2
Me Visto B 2
Mi Gato B 2