College of Education and Human Ecology
Keep Books

Health & Safety 2

Levels E-G / 7-12

Product HS2

In these stories, readers learn about staying healthy and safe through the experiences of children just like them. Topics include exercise, safety, hygiene, and going to the doctor.

Set options

  • Super-Saver 50 copies of 8 titles / 400 books
  • Full 25 copies of 8 titles / 200 books
  • Mini 5 copies of 8 titles / 40 books


Set details

Set information
Order Code Grades Levels
HS2 Beginning 1st E-G / 7-12

Titles and levels
Title GR Level RR Level
Safety First E 7
Don't Be a Couch Potato F 9
Birthday Shots F 9
Just in Case F 10
Time Out F 10
Home Sick G 11
The Eye Doctor G 11
The Big Race G 12