College of Education and Human Ecology
Keep Books

Going and Doing Poems

Poetry — Not Leveled

Product GDP

Children will enjoy these poetry books as they become aware of the sounds of the language, helping them to become readers. The rhythm of the language surrounds children with fun sounds and words that make them want to wiggle and giggle.

The books in this set take children on adventures at sea, in space, on the way to school, and in their own backyards.

Set options

  • Super-Saver 50 copies of 8 titles / 400 books
  • Full 25 copies of 8 titles / 200 books
  • Mini 5 copies of 8 titles / 40 books


Set details

Set information
Order Code Grades Levels
GDP  PreK, K, Beginning 1st Not Leveled / Poetry

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
Lunar Lars
I Have a Little Wagon
Window Watching
Here Is the Sea
Hippity Hop
Chickery, Chickery, Cranny, Crow
This Is the Way We Go To School