Contact us
For questions about quotes, purchase orders, and billing contact the fiscal office.
Fiscal office
Desirée Crownover
Fiscal Officer
1100 Kinnear Rd 100C
Columbus OH 43212
Phone: 614-292‑6357
Fax: (614) 688–3452
We are happy to provide you with a quote.
Purchase orders
Make purchase orders out to The Ohio State University. Email or fax purchase orders to the fiscal office.
Invoice payments
Send checks payable to The Ohio State University.
Payment address:
The Ohio State University
PO Box 182905 Columbus OH 43218-2905
Include your invoice number and customer number on all payments.
Mailing list
Sign up for our email list to receive news about Keep Books, Literacy Collaborative professional learning opportunities, and information about other literacy happenings at the university.